Top Of The List Project Manager Receives Social Media Certification

Small Business Success SummitAfter attending 20+ hours of online webinars for the Small Biz Success Summit followed by successfully passing an exam covering all topics, Top of the List Project Manager Nicole Vesota received her Social Media Certificate from, the largest online social media conference in the world.

Sessions covered multiple areas of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and more.

“It was amazing to collect these gems of knowledge from some of the most notable figures in Social Media, including Michael Stelzner, Marcus Sheridan, and Mari Smith,” Vesota said. “You never know with a conference — often instructors will just skim the surface and keep their best tips to themselves, but that was not the case with the Small Biz Success Summit. I couldn’t take notes fast enough!”

Vesota comes away from the summit with a better understanding of how to create successful online marketing strategies by using social media platforms to carry out those strategies.

“Social media activity is now part of organic search engine algorithms (SEO). Participating has value not only in the social media realm, but in overall online presence. I am looking forward to putting my new knowledge to good use by helping our clients receive valuable social media attention!”

Congratulations, Nicole!

About the Author

Beverly Mapes, Founder, President
Beverly MapesFounder & President, Top Of The List

Bev founded Top Of The List in 2006 and has over 25 years of experience working with technology. In her free time, she competes in dog agility competitions with her Golden Retrievers, Cosmo, and Finn.

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