Social Media Marketing

There are 5.18 Billion+ global internet users – 92% use social media.
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New platforms are popping up every day – and we’re ready.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Organic and Paid Social Media Marketing promotes your products, services, or brands through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Social media exposure not only drives brand recognition but is also beneficial to site SEO:

  • Increases website traffic through social referrals
  • Amplifies content visibility and reach
  • Fosters natural link-building

Positive social engagement metrics also indirectly influence search engine ranking algorithms, making a cohesive social media strategy vital for comprehensive digital marketing efforts.

Be in the right place, at the right time,
with the right message.

Pretend you own a business that sells hot tubs. Your typical customer’s path from an idea to a purchase might look something like this:

a six step outline of a buyer's journey

Of course, not everyone’s buying process looks like this. Purchasing style and the type of product may be different, but typically, a person has an idea, does some research, looks at products, and finally makes a purchase.

Idea, research, shop, buy,

Through marketing, a business owner can meet Linda at each stage in her journey from Idea to Buy. A website helps with a lot of this. Standard methods of marketing like print, radio, and television can help, too.

SMM Knows Where Users Are in Their Journey

But social media presents an opportunity to do, until the last decade or so, was nearly impossible – marketing to your audience by already knowing where they are in this journey. It’s all about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right message.

Let’s walk through Linda’s journey and see how social media can do just this:

  • As soon as Linda starts showing any interest in hot tubs by searching how much they cost and visiting related websites, Linda will be classified as part of an audience that is interested in Hot Tubs by way of cookies.
  • When Linda becomes part of this audience, SMM can target helpful information to her that will lead her through the process from research to purchase.
  • Instead of Linda searching for answers to her questions about hot tubs, you can create social media ads that point to helpful articles on your website. For example, a blog post about the benefits of owning a hot tub, or a fact sheet about hot tub operating costs.
  • When Linda clicks these ads and visits your website, you have now captured Linda as part of your remarketing audience.

Remarketing Audiences – Key to Future Customers

Now that you know Linda has been to your website, it is safe to say that she is in the market for a hot tub and is getting closer to the purchasing phase. Using her new addition to your remarketing audience, SMM can now show Linda ads that explain why your hot tubs are the best!

Show her reviews, testimonials, or awards—all great items to highlight in Facebook ads. Your call to action might be to view a specific page, or even to request more information. These work well on LinkedIn.

Finally, by viewing a specific page or completing an action, Linda moves into an even more specific remarketing audience. At this point, you might show Linda an ad for a special discount – for example, 15% off your total purchase or free delivery and installation. This is your conversion ad campaign, and ideally leads to Linda purchasing one of your hot tubs!

The fact is, if you aren’t doing this, someone else is and they are capturing your potential customers. Social media advertising has become an essential part of an effective digital marketing strategy, whether you are a customer-facing retailer or a B2B.

Luckily, you don’t need to know how to do any of this – you simply need to partner with the right digital marketing agency.

Social Media Marketing Marketing from Top Of The List

At Top Of The List, we have managed social media marketing campaigns on all of the major social media platforms, for ecommerce retailers, local service providers, BtoB manufacturers, and more. Our collective expertise spans over a decade and the results speak for themselves.

“Absolutely perfect!”

These Facebook Ads are so awesome. They look great! Seriously, I don’t think they could get any better than this! Absolutely perfect! I love it.

The Job Post logo.

The Job Post

What Makes Us Different

dollar sign

Fair Pricing

We’ll design the creatives or your designer can create them while we run the campaign. Either way, you’re getting the most for your budget.

gear with arrows coming out of it


Costs from social media vendors are charged directly to your credit card. We don’t mark up the fees and re-bill you, nor absorb unused charges.

dart board with an arrow in the bullseye

Custom Solutions

The world of social media is changing as fast as the world around us. Our custom solutions mean you’re always at the forefront.