‘Good News and Success’ Radio Segment Features Top Of The List Owner, Bev Mapes

Good News and SuccessJune, 2012 — Bev Mapes, owner of Top Of The List, was recently featured on the radio series ‘Good News and Success.’ Moderated by Rhoda Kreuzer from Partners in Action, the segment is part of Shelly Irwin’s Morning Show on WGVU public radio.

In the segment, Mapes talked about some of her experiences of being a leader and a business owner.

First telling her ‘Good News’ at Top Of The List, she says “The teamwork now is at a really high level, for charisma and also for doing the right things for the client — we’re all on the same page regarding vision so that’s really motivating everything around us.”

Mapes then commented on contributing factors to success with Top of The List: “Keeping up with what’s going on, it changes so often. Google comes out with different algorithms – there’s Pinterest and Twitter and Facebook and people don’t know how to deal with all those and make those work to their best advantage, so keeping up on top of that is just vital.”

She offered advice on maintaining key relationships with clients, keeping her team happy and hard-working, and how to deal with some stresses that all small business owners face.

“Sometimes you get so busy that you just have to say, ‘that’s good enough.’ . . . It forces you to delegate and forces you to say that it might not be exactly the way I would do it, but it’s good enough.”

Listen to or download the segment, or visit the WGVU website archives for all Morning Show recordings.

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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