LinkedIn Advertising for Business 0 (0)

LinkedIn logo with group of people underneath
Image source: Pixabay

LinkedIn users represent the largest global community of business professionals than any other social marketing channel. Users come for industry news, expert advice, career changes, professional learning, peer insights, and recommendations.

LinkedIn users have a different mindset and intent than traditional social media platforms.  It is also the #1 platform for B2B lead generation as rated by marketers who use the platform.

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6 Reasons to Use Emojis in Meta Titles & Descriptions 0 (0)

nerd emoji stuffed plush in front of brick wall

Emojis aren’t just for teens anymore.

With the youngest of Millennials hitting their mid-20’s and older generations adopting a younger communication style, the use of emojis shows no sign of slowing down.

It makes sense, then, that emojis are being used in more than text messages. Smartphones make it easier than ever to insert these beloved symbols into any text input field, including search engines.

While adding emojis to traditional meta titles and descriptions don’t directly affect SERP placement, they can contribute to factors that do.

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Focus Areas for Google in 2019 0 (0)

Screenshot of new Google Search Console in 2019

For most of us, the new year brings with it hope, plans, resolutions, and predictions. Such is the case in the SEO world when John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google®, offered some insights for SEO firms to focus on this year while as a guest in a webinar hosted by Ashley Berman Hale, Technical SEO Lead at DeepCrawl.

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