Top Of The List Owner Elected Vice President of AWE

AWE logoThe Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) have elected an entirely new executive board for the 2008-2009 term.

Included in the line-up is Top of the List owner Bev Mapes, who will be the acting vice president for a minimum term of one year.

“To begin with, Bev brings a strong technology background and is very organized,” AWE President Kim Schwamberger said. “She also has good knowledge of policies and procedures, making her leadership an asset to our organization.”

Established in 1984, the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs — through meetings and networking opportunities — offers local businesswomen a forum to share their experiences and to create a network of women who share similar issues.

Benefits of joining the organization are numerous, and include leadership, business education, career development, and community involvement.

“We look forward to making many changes and improvements,” Schwamberger said. “By enhancing our meetings, we will be offering more than just the basic education and networking; we will be able to offer more of the ‘next step’ as valuable resources to our established members.”

“It’s exciting to be part of the AWE leadership,” said Mapes. “This organization helped me a lot when I was first getting started in business. Our new direction will ensure we continue to help the new entrepreneur, but at the same time add another level of professional counsel, so the more experienced entrepreneur will realize the value we offer their business.”

“As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we can never stop learning,” Schwamberger said. “Education is vital to the success of all businesses. If a company does not keep looking ahead, they might as well get a broom and dust pan, because their competition will leave a lot of dust behind.”

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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