Our Top 5 Favorite Online Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Businesses (that Don’t Involve Product Optimization!)

Our Top 5 Favorite Online Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Businesses (that Don’t Involve Product Optimization!)

1. Display Ad Remarketing

When it comes to paid search ads, display ads have some of the lowest costs per click. But, they also have the lowest click-through rates. This is why we prefer using display ads for remarketing purposes. That way, everyone who sees an ad already has some trust in your brand and is therefore much more likely to click.

In an age of knowing exactly which products someone viewed on your website, you’d be crazy not to capitalize on this knowledge. Present your future customers with an eye-catching reminder that your product is still available, while highlighting a benefit they may have missed.

Plus, even if they don’t click on the ad, they’ll remember your brand — and you won’t have paid for the click. Win-win!

2. The Blogging + Social Equation

Free advertising is the best kind of advertising. And while time is money, sometimes it’s all you can give as a business owner. This can be an incredibly lucrative strategy if you have the passion and the drive. 

Consider investing some time in a blog campaign. Blog posts are a great way to connect with your customers, provide the information you wish they knew, and highlight some of your top-selling products. 

The best thing about blogging, though? It makes managing your social media accounts so much easier because it provides you with a steady stream of posts to write about and link to, all of which generate traffic straight to your website.

3. Video

Here are some very powerful video statistics for you:

  • Social video generates 12 times the shares of text and images combined

Videos can generate a lot of buzz about your ecommerce business and its products, and can even drive consumers to purchase. 

The most common complaints we hear from business owners when we suggest video are that they don’t have room in their budget for a professional video shoot, and they don’t feel comfortable in front of a camera. But study after study shows that consumers prefer a realistic, authentic video.1

Your audience doesn’t need all the bells and whistles that come with a super-polished, professionally recorded video. And that camera-shy feeling — that’s what your audience wants! They want to know that you are a real person with real passion for your business and your customers.

So take a few deep breaths, break out your phone’s camera, and remember that almost anything can be fixed in editing. 😉  

4. Email Marketing

Let’s not forget the lowly email campaign. I know, way to make it sound so exciting! But generally, when we suggest an email marketing campaign, clients aren’t always feeling so… excited.

But think about it: email allows you to send information directly to your customers’ or potential customers’ inbox. And depending on the email management platform you use, this can be another incredibly affordable way to reach new customers, boost customer retention, and encourage repeat business.

It can seem complicated at first, but with a proper planning session and a few great ideas, you can see the return on an email marketing campaign in no time!

5. Give Yourself A Pat On The Back—With Testimonials!

Ok, this isn’t exactly a strategy as much as a step. But it’s such a good one!

One common thing we see with ecommerce websites is that they are so focused on product reviews that they completely forget about testimonials. We understand — reviews are still critically important! But testimonials provide a few extra benefits.

A testimonial is about your business, not just your product.

Testimonials can highlight the things customers often look for the most when making a purchasing decision — a personalized experience, a memorable interaction with customer service, or even a compelling story about how they found a product they couldn’t find anywhere else.

Testimonials pull at the emotional component of buying. This can be incredibly effective for a variety of companies. Think about a bride shopping for a wedding dress online, and how testimonials could impact her decision on where to make a purchase.

Spend some time asking for and compiling testimonials, and use them to your advantage — whether you include them in your email marketing or social strategies, or highlight them on a landing page of your website.

Try Out A New Online Marketing Strategy Today!

For ecommerce businesses, implementing these top 5 online marketing strategies can make a very positive difference in your bottom line. Why not choose just one of them to implement this month? Then try another, and another.

When the sales numbers start rising more and more, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t think more seriously about doing them sooner!

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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