8 Cool Features of Bing 2.7 (3)

screenshot of bing blogs webpage

Most of us have a default search engine that we use all the time. Still, it can pay to look around to see what other search engines offer. For example, the Top Of The List team primarily uses Google for its web searches. But we also realize that the Microsoft Bing search engine still claims a significant market share of both users and searches. As such, Microsoft continues to add Bing features in its quest for better search engine results–and even more market share. Microsoft Bing Blogs are packed with the latest Bing News, so we gathered up 8 cool features here.

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How To Use Ad Extensions in Google Ads 0 (0)

How To Use Ad Extensions in Google Ads

Ad extensions have been around for a while, yet a surprising number of advertisers either don’t use them, only use some of them, or aren’t maximizing their abilities. In this post, I’ll share the main benefits of ad extensions, some of the top ad extensions to use, and how to make the most of them.

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How Does Image Metadata Affect SEO? 5 (5)

'metadata' written on a desktop with illustrations surrounding it. on the desk are also a cup of coffee, mouse, and keyboard.

Digital marketers and website owners are always looking for ways to improve site SEO. Common strategies involve adding valuable content, optimizing page titles, choosing appropriate keywords, and obtaining backlinks. But beyond these SEO staples lie less obvious tactics.

One of these tactics is utilizing image metadata. While the significance of metadata is ever-changing in the evolving world of technology, it is important to stay at the forefront of what opportunities image metadata presents.

Let’s take a look at what image metadata is and what benefits are found in including it in, or removing it from, a file.

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How Schema Markup is Adapting to COVID-19 0 (0)

grid illustration of connected dots representing schema relationships, some of which are coronavirus

The idea of Schema Markup, or Structured Data, may be familiar by now. Up until earlier this year, it had been primarily used to explain to search engines what information is on a web page and explain how that information is related. Like Twitter, which started as a social platform but morphed into a crucial communication tool during emergencies, Schema Markup has turned into something different. Even the White House is encouraging users to use Schema Markup to alert others of new changes.

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Google Search Tricks – Part 2: The Fun Stuff 0 (0)

Google search tricks - the fun stuff

Google developers are encouraged to use 20% of their time for personal projects, which leads to amusing and often silly morsels for search users to discover. You are already a pro at finding the useful stuff they have created from part 1 of this series. Now, feel like you’re in on a secret with these fun hidden treasures.

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