8 Digital Marketing Moves You Can Make In Minutes

8 Digital Marketing Moves You Can Make In Minutes

Whether you are a small business owner, part of in-house marketing, or working at an agency like us, a few small tasks can make a big difference in your company’s bottom line.

If you’re running out of ideas or short on time, here are a few ideas that will only take a few minutes and move you closer to landing your next customer.

1. Post Something on Social Media

Seriously, right now! No matter how often you are posting on social media, it’s probably not enough. It doesn’t have to be business-related, it doesn’t have to take much thought. Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Every day is national something day. This website will tell you what day today is. Upon posting this post (May 27), today is National Grape Popsicle Day, National Cellophane Tape Day, and National Senior Health & Fitness Day. Find a free stock photo, or get creative with your staff to make a quick post about today.
  • Feature an employee. Take a picture of an employee at work. Introduce them to your social audience. Quick is fine! For example, “Meet Sarah! She works in our showroom helping customers find the products they are looking for. We hope you get a chance to meet her, she helps make our team awesome!” See, that wasn’t too hard.

2. Update Your Website Copy With Words From Customer Reviews

Marketers spend years training to be excellent copywriters and to encourage customers to take action. But it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, using the same language and adjectives over and over. A great place to find some fresh inspiration is in your customers’ reviews! For example, check out these reviews below:

Copywriting inspiration from customer reviews

3. Review Old Blog Posts & Update With New Information

Writing an entirely new blog post — not exactly quick. But chances are, many of your older blog posts have outdated information, no longer relevant sources, or bad links. Do a quick review of your old blog posts and look for these things:

  • Dates that can be updated
  • Links that changed (highlight over the link to see what it says, then click on it and see if the link in your browser is the same. If not, update it!)
  • Broken links (clicking leads to “page not found”) — replace these links or remove them
  • Resources that no longer exist — replace or remove
  • Ideas that can be updated — update the content to be relevant today, then re-post it on all your social channels!
  • Title tag & meta description — update these too!

4. Post an Update on Google Business Profile

Did you know that you can post updates on Google Business Profile, just like you do on social media? The options are a little more limited, but this is a great way to get an important message in front of potential customers!

For example, right now many businesses are closed due to stay at home orders, but yours is open. This is probably the first question a potential customer will have, and hours shown aren’t always reliable.

By posting this message, the customer doesn’t have to do any extra work to call you — they know you are open because you posted this update:

5. Change Your Website Copy From I/We to You

This is an O.G. marketing strategy, but WE all forget! We think this tip is great. You will see huge benefits from this tip. Which of those sentences sound more enticing to you?

6. Add a New Frequently Asked Question (and Answer) to Your FAQ Page

Did you create an FAQ page years ago? When is the last time you updated it? Never? Ask whoever answers the phone at your business what are the most common questions they get. Then add those questions and their answers to your FAQ page.

7. Boost A Social Post

But don’t just boost any post! Look back on your posts from the last several months. Which ones have the most engagement? What do they have in common?

Find the common link, create a new post using that strategy, and boost it for a few dollars a day.

Getting new page followers, more website visits, newsletter sign-ups, and phone calls are all small wins that can lead to new customers in the long-term.

8. Get Some New Reviews

Write an email to one of your most long-standing customers and request that they review your business. If they’ve been with you this long, they are obviously happy with you! Not only is this a quick way to get a five-star review, but a great opportunity to “check in” with your customer.

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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