West Michigan Shores STC enjoys “Search Engines, Wikis, and Blogs, oh my!”

Open book iconThe West Michigan Shores Chapter of the Society for Technical Communications (STC) participated in an active discussion about search engines, wikis, and blogs at their April 5 meeting held at Brann’s Steak House in Holland, Michigan.

Technical communicators in the audience were interested in these technologies and how they affect the role of the technical communicator now and in the future. The panel included:

  • Gert Wallis, Director of Software Development, Open Solutions COWWW Software, who represented the topic of wikis, drawing upon experience with two different wikis at his company
  • Ryan Vis, Business System Analyst for the University of Michigan, who offered insight into blogs, using his own blog, You Know What Part, as well as other blogs he frequents on a consistent basis
  • Beverly Mapes, owner of Top Of The List, who spoke on search engines and SEO, using her background in writing and her hands on experience at Top Of The List.

The flow of comments between the panel members, the excellent questions by the audience, and format MC’d by the meeting’s organizer, STC President Ginger Anderson, produced an exceptionally interesting and fun evening for all.

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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