Top Of The List Receives BBB Accreditation with A+ Rating

BBB A+ RatingAfter a complete review by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Top Of The List was accredited by the BBB and given an A+ rating this month.

The accreditation means that Top Of The List meets accreditation standards, as well as a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any client complaints.

“We’re proud to be among the BBB’s accredited businesses,” according to Top Of The List’s owner Beverly Mapes. “While there are great online marketers out there, the industry seems to attract many dishonest and fraudulent organizations too. We’re glad the BBB is here as a measure to help potential clients sort the good from the not-so-good.”

The BBB’s Code of Business Practices, built on BBB Standards for Trust, include eight principles that help create and maintain trust:

  1. Build Trust – Based on time in marketplace, absence of complaints, adherence to standards
  2. Advertise Honestly – Abide by laws and the BBB’s Code of Advertising, avoid misleading customers or creating false impressions
  3. Tell the Truth – Make accurate representations in written materials and on website(s); ensure clarity and completeness in written materials
  4. Be Transparent – Provide the BBB with all information they request during their review; clearly disclose information to customers in writing which includes scope of work, all costs, billing frequency, refund policy, etc.
  5. Honor Promises – Fulfill contracts and agreements, correct mistakes as soon as possible
  6. Be Responsive – Address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally and in good faith
  7. Safeguard Privacy – Protect any data collected against mishandling or fraud, collect personal information only as needed, respect preferences of customers regarding the use of their information
  8. Embody Integrity – Approach all business dealings and commitments with integrity and one that reflects a positive public image of BBB and its accredited businesses

“A company simply cannot begin with all the principles,” Mapes said. “There are countless mentors, friends, networking groups, and training programs that have resulted in Top Of The List’s adherence to the eight principles. We’ve come a long way, but are pleased to say that we’ve made it!”

About the Author

Nicole Vesota

Nicole Vesota

Vice President & Project Manager

Nicole has been working in online marketing since 2007 when she joined Top Of The List. She loves creative endeavors and spending time with her daughter.

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