Search Engine Algorithm Quiz

Let’s have a little fun today with a short quiz. How well do you know the Google search algorithms and what they do? Check out your smarts below.

Panda stuffed animal
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Panda
First released in 2011, Google’s Panda update is one of the most popular. It’s purpose continues to be one of the most important today. Which statement represents the Panda algorithm:

Hummingbird stuffed animal
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Hummingbird
The Hummingbird algorithm was released in 2013, taking the attributes of “precise and fast” from its bird representation. This algorithm:

mobile phone stuffed toy
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Mobilegeddon
Google’s mobile friendly algorithm originally was released in April, 2015. It gave a boost in ranking to sites that could be viewed and navigated well on a mobile phone. It subsequently forced us all to ensure our websites can be read and interacted with on a much smaller screen. This algorithm is now being updated to rank fast mobile sites much higher than slow ones. Another name for this algorithm is: *

Pirate stuffed animal
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Pirate
The Pirate Update was released in August, 2012. It’s job is to:

Three images of stuffed animals-two foxes facing backwards-a-medical-teddy-bear-a-teddy-bear-with-treasure-chest-for-payday
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Medic
My focus is to find sites that do not meet Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (E.A.T.) and ensure they don’t rank well. Other algorithms do this too, but I’m the first one that made a big dent in the health, fitness and medical sites although that was not specifically intended. Although Google doesn’t really say I’m its own algorithm update, the SEO community gave me a name anyway. Released in August, 2018, who am I?

stuffed possum to represent google algorithm update
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Possum
The Possum Update was released in September, 2016. It’s job is to:

stuff penguin to represent google algorithm update
Search Algorithm Quiz Q – Penguin
Penguin is the name of an algorithm released in April, 2012. It’s purpose is to:

Thanks for taking our quiz! How did you do? Did I mention prizes for all correct answers? Glad I didn’t, because there aren’t any. Sorry.

Top Of The List stays on top of all the algorithm changes to ensure its clients continue to keep their websites in the best possible position for top placement on Google and other search engines. It’s a constantly changing environment, but it’s a lot of fun too!

Contact us if you’re interested in driving more quality traffic and leads to your website. We’ll do our very best to help you succeed online.

About the Author

Beverly Mapes, Founder, President
Beverly MapesFounder & President, Top Of The List

Bev founded Top Of The List in 2006 and has over 25 years of experience working with technology. In her free time, she competes in dog agility competitions with her Golden Retrievers, Cosmo, and Finn.

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