How Schema Markup is Adapting to COVID-19 0 (0)

grid illustration of connected dots representing schema relationships, some of which are coronavirus

The idea of Schema Markup, or Structured Data, may be familiar by now. Up until earlier this year, it had been primarily used to explain to search engines what information is on a web page and explain how that information is related.

Like Twitter, which started as a social platform but morphed into a crucial communication tool during emergencies, Schema Markup has turned into something different. Even the White House is encouraging users to use Schema Markup to alert others of new changes.

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Will 2020 be the Year for Schema Markup? 0 (0)

Screenshot of Google's structured data testing tool

In 2019, you may recall several Top Of The List blog posts about schema markup (aka structured data):

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4 Reasons to Use Short URLs 0 (0)

4 reasons to use short urls

There are hundreds of factors that decide where websites show up on search engine results pages (SERPs). High placement and great content keep visitors coming back. Many require an investment of time and effort, so factors that can be addressed quickly are invaluable. Read on to find out why short URLs are an easy win for SEO.

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12 WordPress Plugins as Game of Thrones Characters 0 (0)

Game of Thrones is back for its final season, which means one thing: it’s time to take a break from creating your “Cleganebowl 2019” giant foam fingers and make some character comparisons!

It turns out that our friends in Westeros (and beyond) have a lot more in common with the realm of WordPress plugins than you would think.

No season 8 spoilers – we promise – but the rest of the series is free reign.

1. UberMenu (Daenerys Targaryen)

Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones with Ubermenu plugin logo
Image: HBO
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