Web Development

Preferred Employment & Living Supports (PELS)

PELS approached Top Of The List asking for help with their website. Initially, they wanted updates to the site to make consistently available job offers more visible. The jobs involve working with individuals that have special needs, and guiding them towards fulfilling employment and a happy lifestyle. The original site was on an extremely buggy, “legacy” version of Joomla. We also discovered that the site had been compromised as a result.

Per our recommendation, PELS had their site redesigned, using WordPress as its new platform. We worked closely with them, updated the architecture to their needs, and gave the site a more compelling look and feel.

Our team started fresh with the GeneratePress theme, a lightweight base that is optimized for speed. PELS requested that the site emphasize their inclusivity with a friendly interface, so movement lines were integrated into the design. Real-life images were added to help the site feel more authentic.

It was important to PELS that their team can be contacted through the site directly, but in a way that limited spam email. The solution was to add contact forms to each team member’s bio. Each form was assigned to the team member’s unique email, so they received it directly once it was submitted. This ensured that each member was available for communication while maintaining the privacy of their email address.

Another goal was for visitors to easily find employment opportunities at their organization. Job listing and application buttons were added to the homepage header, and considerably more information was added to the Work at PELS page. The site was also connected to PELS’ Indeed job listings, providing a seamless experience for applicants.

Screenshot of Work At PELS page on PELS site
Screenshot of Work At PELS page on PELS mobile site
Screenshot of Leadership Team page on PELS website
Screenshot of Leadership Team page on PELS mobile website

Other project details:

  • Created with WordPress
  • Hosted on Flywheel through Top Of The List’s hosting service package
  • Uses GeneratePress theme with Gutenberg and GenerateBlocks
  • Formidable Forms used for contact submissions
  • Indeed Integration
  • GDPR/CCPA compliant

Need a new website? Want to maintain your current site?

Work with Top Of The List to reach your goals!