Summer 2023 Newsletter

Top SEO Tips for Your Blog Posts

laptop surrounded by blog post artifacts

Are you spending a lot of time creating blog posts, but find they aren’t getting the attention they deserve? Read our tips for Blog SEO to turn your post into something much bigger than you ever imagined.

After many years of user requests, Instagram has FINALLY added the feature to include more links on your profile page. This sets up businesses with more tools to share their channels. You can now add up to 5 links to your Instagram bio. The new feature is available to all users including businesses and creators. 

According to an article on TechCrunch, this may cause some apps like Linktree to lose popularity and possibly go away completely. The main reason Linktree came about was due to complaints users had about the link sharing limitations of Instagram and TikTok. TikTok still has restrictions on links for personal accounts but allows them on business account pages.

To add more links to your profile go to your profile page, click “edit profile” (located under your bio info), click “Links” then the plus button for Add External Link. You can also link your Facebook profile in the same area. 

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Tip of the Month

Illustration of people sitting in a meeting room brainstorming.

Local connections can help you gain links. Even if you have a business dedicated to national sales, connecting with local organizations can help you enhance your SEO. If there is a local charity that you are passionate about or if you are part of a local club for your personal hobbies, you can gain more links by integrating your business locally. By donating or sponsoring, you give yourself more opportunities to get mentioned in local news sources and social media. 

Take it further by offering free advice in your field of expertise. Create a press release with an outline of what you are teaching and make sure to include your targeted keywords. Great avenues for hosting learning events are local job fairs and Chamber of Commerce lunch and learns. If you host an event at your business, make sure to invite local press and influential members of your community. And be sure to ask them to share the invite!. This is an opportunity for targeted content generation.

For more information, read Search Engine Journal’s article.

Contact us if you’d like some help. We can help you make the most of link building on your website!

Just For Laughs

A bank robber walks up to the teller, and says, “Give me all the money or you’re geography!”

laughing dog

The puzzled teller replies, “Did you mean to say ‘or you’re history?'”

The robber says, “Don’t change the subject!”

Our best for your success!

The Top Of The List Team