September 2023 Newsletter

Craft Credible Content: A Guide to Rank Higher on Google

content strategy for ranking high in google search

Search engines have evolved significantly since their inception. It is now vital to conduct market research and establish a strong foundation for your website content to minimize the impact of algorithm updates and prevent your website traffic from plummeting. Read our latest blog post which dives into Google’s ranking criteria and explore how you can develop a content strategy with reliable and compelling content for your audience.

Google Helpful Content Updates: What Changed?

Google helpful content updates, what changed

On September 14, 2023 Google rolled out its helpful content update that changes how it ranks webpage content. As Google has always done, and will continue to do, they put “people-first” content at the forefront. You can find the Google SEO fundamentals documentation titled: Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content on the Google Search Central website.

Learn about the most notable Google helpful content guidelines changes outlining how to ensure your content is deemed “legit” by Google.

Tip Of The Month

FAQS. Collect them. Use them.

FAQs are super helpers for your site.

One of the easiest and most underrated ways to create helpful content for your website is to include an FAQs section. Regardless of the product or service you provide, your target audience asks questions. Some are repetitive, and can tie up your phone lines and inbox. When you provide an answer to those frequently asked questions on your website, not only do you reduce inquiries to customer service, but you also provide helpful and keyword rich content on your site.

As you’ve read in Top Of The List’s blog and the Google Helpful content updates, Google heavily endorses helpful content that is geared towards making life easier for your customers. Cheers to better content for your target audience, and making the internet search experience more user friendly.

Just For Laughs

light bulb.

How many SEO copywriters does it take to change a lightbulb, light bulb, bulb, bulbs, lamp, light, eco-bulb, fluorescent tubes?

laughing dog

Our best for your success!

The Top Of The List Team