August 2023 Newsletter

Welcome Rachel! New member of the team.

welcome, rachel eager

Top Of The List is excited to announce a new Marketing Strategist to our team, Rachel Eager! 🎉 Rachel’s background in design and marketing makes her an awesome addition. She’s also one of those people that is skilled in both technical and communication areas, perfect for her role. Welcome, Rachel!

How Anyone Can Use ChatGPT At Work

A woman's arm with a gray sweater shaking hands with an arm coming out of a laptop scream, with glowing lines connected all around it representing technology, and the words "how anyone can use chatGPT at work"

The world around us is rapidly changing. I get it, it can be overwhelming and even scary sometimes. By now, you’ve likely heard about ChatGPT. Many are using this tool daily – others only know it’s “crazy technology that I don’t want anything to do with”. But the truth is, it’s not hard to use at all. And it can make your life so much easier!

Find out what exactly ChatGPT is (it’s not a robot taking over the world … yet), how to use it effectively, and practical ways you can use ChatGPT at work.

3 Free AI Tools to Try

Free AI tools to try

Want to try AI tools but not sure where to start? Besides ChatGPT, which Nicole reviews in depth in her blog post this month, there are many other free AI tools available.  Businesses can use these tools to quickly generate ideas for digital marketing content, help rewrite text in a different tone, and much more. 

Here are 3 AI products that you can try out for free today. 

  • Grammarly has a free version that not only helps you with spell-check and grammar suggestions. The tool can also suggest ideas based on topics and questions. For example, use the button labeled Offer Helpful Tips and Advice, then type out “What are 3 ways to make it easier for customers to find my business online?.” The tool will provide you with a list of answers. Here are the answers it gave us:
AI response to finding business online

Grammarly can also help rewrite your text in different tones, shorten copy, or make copy more descriptive. Their free version is limited to 100 prompts per month.

  • Canva includes AI technology in its free account plan that enables you to generate ideas and clean up your copy. Their free version includes 25 total uses of their magic write prompts
  • Hubspot’s free AI content writer can help you generate creative, original content at the push of a button. It is currently in beta and available for you to try at no charge on their website.

These tools not only save time and effort but also enhance your digital marketing efforts, making them a brilliant addition to any small business’s toolkit. 

Tip Of The Month

Share, submit, and update buttons

Just Post It! Create fresh content to grow online visibility. Continually providing fresh content is crucial for any business’s online visibility. It’s often more beneficial for businesses to post unpolished, quickly-created content rather than spending excessive time perfecting every word. Businesses stay relevant and more visible in the eyes of both their audience and search engines by posting continual updates. 

Can’t figure out what to post about? Any advice you have for your ideal audience, or updates about your company are great topics to share on your website and social platforms. If you’re completely stumped, AI tools are great for helping to generate content ideas. But make sure to proof AI-generated text to avoid looking unauthentic. It’s important to strike a balance between regular content and quality. While there’s a need to post more often, content should still offer value to your audience. It should be relevant, interesting, and reflective of your brand. This way, your business can increase engagement, improve SEO standing, and ultimately drive growth.

No time for content creation? Contact us for a consultation for SEO services, including social media management, website improvements, and blog posting.

Just For Laughs

illustration of a barn

A husband told his wife, “Did you know Old McDonald’s farm has been taken over by Artificial Intelligence?”

Wife: A.I.?

laughing dog

Husband: A.I.

Wife: Oh.

Our best for your success!

The Top Of The List Team