Web Development

The Job Blog

After taking over a similar, abandoned domain, our team began The Job Blog project. The goal was to create a website that provides information and resources related to HR. It is targeted to two main audiences: HR personnel, and individuals at any point in their career process.

Whether someone is looking for a job or currently employed, or they work in Human Resources, The Job Blog is a way to learn and stay up to date on HR topics, ask questions to solicit advice or answer questions others have, and communicate with experts or other employees in similar situations.

home page on the job blog website
home page on the job blog's mobile site

The website was started from scratch using a lightweight theme and a simple, content-focused design.

The two main areas of the site are the blogs and forums. The forums were created using a well-tested plugin that allows users to create accounts to post topics and comments to share experiences with other users. This plugin was configured to integrate with the theme’s layout and architecture.

Using tags and categories, separate blogs were created: one for Careers (those employed or seeking other jobs), and one for HR personnel (anyone that works in HR). The ability for different authors and reviewers to post articles was also added to demonstrate subject expertise.

Other project details:

  • Developed on WordPress using Flywheel hosting
  • GeneratePress theme used with GenerateBlocks builder
  • wpForo Forum configured to create user forums
  • PublishPress Authors provides ability for multiple authors and bios on a single post
  • SEO and speed optimization tools utilized for peak website performance

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